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ScriptPro provides a comprehensive, integrated platform of robotics-enabled systems to optimize retail and ambulatory pharmacy operations, promoting safe and effective medication use and adherence, including support for specialty pharmacy services, high-risk/high cost medications, 340B dispensing, home-based patient medication adherence, and third party financial management. ScriptPro provides a comprehensive, integrated platform of robotics-enabled systems to optimize retail and ambulatory pharmacy operations, promoting safe and effective medication use and adherence, including support for specialty pharmacy services, high-risk/high cost medications, 340B dispensing, home-based patient medication adherence, and third party financial management.
A leading company in the development of the automation system for hospital and pharmacies over the world. 34 years’ experience of JVM with customers is a living history in pharmacy automation in Korea. Starting from a manual tablet packaging machine in 1978, JVM has achieved a true automation throughout the whole process of prescription and administration in hospitals and pharmacies around the world. A leading company in the development of the automation system for hospital and pharmacies over the world. 34 years’ experience of JVM with customers is a living history in pharmacy automation in Korea. Starting from a manual tablet packaging machine in 1978, JVM has achieved a true automation throughout the whole process of prescription and administration in hospitals and pharmacies around the world.
Palex is a Spanish hospital automation company that has the most advanced solutions in the environment of automation and hospital logistics for consumables management. The target is the optimization of resources and elimination of processes errors. Palex is committed to understand and satisfy the needs of patients and health professionals -both medical practitioners and health system managers by providing advanced, efficient hospital solutions integrating products, systems, technology, and health services, through distribution agreements with world-leading manufacturers. Palex is a Spanish hospital automation company that has the most advanced solutions in the environment of automation and hospital logistics for consumables management. The target is the optimization of resources and elimination of processes errors. Palex is committed to understand and satisfy the needs of patients and health professionals -both medical practitioners and health system managers by providing advanced, efficient hospital solutions integrating products, systems, technology, and health services, through distribution agreements with world-leading manufacturers.
The Company was founded by Fausto Manzana in 1988 and it is based in Trento with numerous branches throughout Italy and abroad. Thanks to a state-of-the-art technology in the field of social health IT and new hi-tech services for healthcare, GPI is able to understand the transformation needs and the innovative drive of its numerous customers in the public and private sector. Over the last years the Group has grown through the acquisition of societies with a contiguous or complementary business and through the development of business in Italy and abroad. The Company was founded by Fausto Manzana in 1988 and it is based in Trento with numerous branches throughout Italy and abroad. Thanks to a state-of-the-art technology in the field of social health IT and new hi-tech services for healthcare, GPI is able to understand the transformation needs and the innovative drive of its numerous customers in the public and private sector. Over the last years the Group has grown through the acquisition of societies with a contiguous or complementary business and through the development of business in Italy and abroad.
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